
OsintFlow volunteers have collected a list of employees of "SPECIAL TECHNOLOGICAL CENTRE" LLC.

OsintFlow volunteers have collected a list of employees of "SPECIAL TECHNOLOGICAL CENTRE" LLC.

The company manufactures UAVs Orlan-10, stationary, mobile and handheld direction finding systems for "Bars", antenna and feeder equipment, and provides services for their maintenance, verification and calibration.

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OsintFlow gained access to the mail of the acting director of the "Department of Education and Science of Sevastopol" - Kryvonos Maksym Yuriyovych.

OsintFlow gained access to the mail of the acting director of the "Department of Education and Science of Sevastopol" - Kryvonos Maksym Yuriyovych.

OsintFlow gained access to the mail of the acting director of the “Department of Education and Science of Sevastopol” - Maksym Yuriyovych Kryvonos.

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