Cousin of the Russian President
Igor Putin participated in receiving benefits or support from representatives of Russia as a director of OJSC International Seaport Pechenga. The International Seaport of Pechenga is a legal entity that is engaged in activities of strategic importance to the Russian government, specifically in the transport sector. It is a member of the Maritime Board under the Russian government. Having withdrawn 700 billion rubles, Igor is in great demand on the Russian cash market. Russian cash market.
Igor Alexandrovich Putin, 30.03.1953
passport 4511 516596
snils 05421842739
itin 622801184200
[email protected]
+79017856009, +79154490560, +79166344222 +79197266602 +79154490530
Moscow Nakhimovsky prospect, 56, flat 293
Samara Leninsky , Chapaevskaya str. 178, flat 5
car Р775РУ199
Volvo XC90 С960ОО777
In 2022, the UK imposed personal sanctions against him.

Putin's son Igor, Putin's great-nephew Vladimir.
Roman Igorevich Putin, 10.11.1977
itin 623410123434
snils 12009737727
passport 6111 744477
[email protected]
Russia, Ryazan region, Ryazan, 390026, Tatarskaya str. 68, sq. 57
car Mercedes-Benz gl350 Vlcetes 4matic, licence number С941СС197
Roman Putin participates in the receipt of benefits or support from the Russian government through his position as Chairman of the Board of Directors of MRT GROUP Ltd, which operates in the Russian transport sector, a sector of strategic importance to the Russian government. He has a business in the offshore offshore zone of the Seychelles(Infinite Capital Corp).

Roman Putin was a beneficiary of Infinite Capital Corp, registered in 2012 in the Seychelles, and owned it until 2013. He also held the position of “security adviser to the mayor” and head of the “People Against Corruption Party”. Roman Putin is former operative who served for five years in the “economic security department of the Federal Security Service in the Ryazan region”.

Putin's great-niece V, niece of Igor Putin
Putina Vera Alexandrovna, 02.08.1984
(Other names are Sokolova Vera Aleksandrovna, Podguzova Vera Aleksandrovna. Can also be traced by ITIN)
+79112215047 (Telegran Whatsapp)
passport 4013820637
snils 12697871009
itin 781136206603
Saint-Petersburg pr Pyatiletok 15, 3 flat 54
[email protected]
As part of her work at the Russian Export Centre, Vera Putina oversees the project to promote the “Made in russia” brand. Managing Director for External Relations and Communications of “Russian Export Centre”.

Putin's great-nephew, son of Yevgeny Putin
(Putin's cousin)
Mikhail Evgenyevich Putin, 07.02.1967
passport 4511479522 (4506057685)
itin 331000068907
snils 01461464119
Moscow, Izmaylovsky boulevard. 58, flat 78
Russia, Moscow, Izmailovsky boulevard, 60/10, flat 92
Suzdal Pushkarskaya str. 5
car Honda 5378АС77
Deputy Chairman of the Management Board of Gazprom.